The Breaking Point of Chronic Illnesses - Part I

I am fearfully and wonderfully made. - Psalms 139:14

"Perfectly Imperfect".

The beautiful motivators that help me through chronic illness, to move on despite my body's constant state of rebellion - and a majority of the time I do my best, and I'm happy in spite of my limitations.

But there are some times when it feels like the Murphy's Law of chronic illness is hitting, if it can go wrong it is - and I usually don't even know why.

For me, it's been one of those weeks. It seems everything is going wrong, a small flurry of things I'd usually brush off have been torn up by chronic illness and turned into a blizzard.

The realities of being a disabled full-time college student attempting (ha) to have a life get the best of me, and every little thing just intensifies the struggle that is existing day to day.

My favorite foods have made me sick 3 times this week, and I can barely eat anyways. I had to rest every half to quarter of a block because my heartrate was around 140-170 slowly walking, and 108-118 resting. My heart-rate monitor is on the fritz and the replacement isn't in stock. I've got 4 tests next week. I missed out on one of my favorite events of the season because when we arrived, I was too symptomatic to leave the bathroom for more than 2 minutes at a time.

In short - sometimes life just sucks. Frustration is inevitable. Chronic illnesses conquer life and I really want to get to the point where in the middle of all of those challenges I'm able to say that it is okay. But honestly, I'm not there yet.

Brain fog and this darned flare up have also robbed me of my memory and where I was going with this post, so I'm going to leave with a question:

What helps you get through your worst times, and do you do anything to prepare during your better times?

Answer it in our comments here, or join us on our Facebook page - Tachy & Salty 
